September 2019 Minutes
Minutes from meeting held on 23rd September 2019
Cllr Brian Wilkinson (BW), Cllr Rachel Stevenson (RS), Cllr Katie Long (KL), Cllr J Pickard (JP), Cllr Peter Morris (PM1), Malcolm Dodds (MD), Cllr R Miller (RM)
James Leach – Clerk (JL)
James Leach
1 Apologies –. None. Absent – District Cllr Peter Moseley (PM2), County Cllr Martin Hill (MH)
2 The Chairman welcomed all present and extended a warm welcome to RM who had returned to the PC after a break.
3 No members of the public were present
4 Declarations of Interest – None.
5 Minutes of the Last Meeting – Proposed by JP and seconded by RS.
6 Matters Arising
BW apologised that he had not obtained the stain/oil required to treat the village benches. He will do this as soon as possible. JL said he had already earmarked a person from the factory to carry out the work but would have to wait for a dry day to do it.
BW said he had not ordered the skip yet but would do this tomorrow.
JL informed the PC that he would be unable to drive the van to collect the scrap this time due to personal circumstances, however RS said that she would do this.
A number of Action Points were still outstanding from the last meeting, JL will carry theses forward to the next meeting.
Any other items will be covered in appropriate sections below. 7 Planning
No other planning applications had been received.
8 Cemetery
BW said he had received an enquiry from Set In Stone re laying an Ashes stone iro Jean Houghton.
BW said he had delivered the new fees to the relevant parties. He had not yet given instructions to JL on what to do in the event of a burial etc and said he would wait and do this the next time he received an application to bury some one or intern some ashes.
9 Neighbourhood Watch
RS said that it had been brought to her attention that some children from the Close had been caught by a neighbour, hitting her car with a stick. JL said he would have a word with the mother.
JL was asked to update the crimes list which he said he would do.
A couple of tractors had been stolen from surrounding villages and a Defender and Chipper had also been taken.
JL also stated that they had received a couple of visits from scrap men recently so asked people to be on their guard.
MD also asked if the accident on the A15 should be noted. It was agreed that it should. Some discussion was had about the parties involved and JL said he had had representation from a resident asking if we could get the speed limit reduced on the A15. He had explained the process to the resident and said that unfortunately until there was a casualty on the road nothing could be done.
RM asked if there was any one who looked after the Neighbourhood Watch. BW said there was not and that we relied on residents to report anything. The PC had asked for volunteers in the past but had received no applicants.
10 Highways
The inspection chambers near the gulley’s on the A15 and some in the village had still not been sorted. MH had not been contacted and as he had not attended the meeting again this will have to be carried over to the next meeting.
JL had sent photos of the manholes and drains that were still covered following the recent road resurfacing. Theses had still not been sorted. He had also reported blocked drains that were full of grit from the resurfacing. Highways had been out today to remove the grit but the drains were still overflowing as they had not been cleaned out properly. JL will again contact Highways with regards this. Also, the drain at the bottom of Mrs Scofield’s drive was still blocked.
JL again apologised that he had still not managed to sort out the Children Playing signs and said that he had forgotten but will do this as soon as possible. JL also to email Highways to check we are allowed to do this.
Again, responsibility for maintenance of Footpath No4 was still outstanding and would have to be raised at the next meeting, if County Councillor MH attended.
11 Finance
JL had received a number of invoices which he had now paid.
BDG – Mowing - £200
The following invoices needed paying and were authorised by the PC.
L Fisher for Cemetary maintenance - £288.00
Ladywell for administering Clerks wages - £25.00
Clerks wages and expences - £1023.89
HMRC for Clerks tax - £250.00
Heatwavefor new Defribrilator pads - £104.40
JL will arrange to pay these in the next few days.
JL said he may have to transfer another £1000.00 from the savings account to the cheque account to cover the above. This was agreed.
JL was unable to give a balance of the Bank Accounts as he had not received the latest statement.
RM asked JP if the VAT refund had been claimed yet. JP said he had not as there had been an issue with the HMRC website. This had now been sorted and he will do the refund before the next meeting.
BW said that he had been approached asking why the PC had not bought the telephone box from BT. He explained that the on costs that would be involved did not make it a viable option. It was agreed that the PC should not therefore buy the Phone Box.
12 Correspondence
All correspondence had been actioned in previous sections above.
The only item not actioned was for information only and was to inform the PC that Lincolnshire Highways had awarded the contract To Balfour Beatty from March next year.
13 SKDC Update/Neighbourhood Plan
No one was available from SKDC to give an update.
JL had stated that he had again emailed PM2 for an update but had received no reply. He also stated that he had contacted SKDC for the name of someone he could contact for updates in the future but had been unsuccessful. He will again email PM to see if he had a name that he could contact.
14 Lincolnshire County Council Update
No one was available from LCC to give an update.
15 A.O.B
BW asked if JL had got any further with sorting out a First Aid Course, JL said he had emailed the lady but had not received a reply. He will keep trying.
RM gave JL the Declaration of Interest Forms and Declaration of Acceptance of Office Form which he will send to Democratic Services at SKDC.
BW stated that there would be no meeting in November and the final meeting of the year would be held on 02nd December.
16 Date of next meeting Monday 28th October 2019 – 8.00 pm at the Village Hall. Meeting closed at 08.30 pm