July 2019 Minutes

Minutes from meeting held on 1st July 2019


Cllr Brian Wilkinson (BW), Cllr Rachel Stevenson (RS), Cllr Malcolm Dodds (MD), Cllr J Pickard (JP), Cllr Katie Long (KL)

James Leach – Clerk (JL)


James Leach

1 Apologies – none. Absent – Cllr Peter Morris (PM1), District Cllr Peter Moseley (PM2), County Cllr Martin Hill (MH)

2 The Chairman welcomed all present.

3 No members of the public were present

4 Declarations of Interest – None.

5 Minutes of the Last Meeting – Proposed by RS and seconded by KL.

6 Matters Arising

Following the last meeting and the request by Mr Taylor to approach Mr G Atkinson with reference to the new Cemetery, MD had spoken to Mr Atkinson who had informed him that he was considering a one-way system for Cemetery traffic and was looking into possibilities. JL will feed this back to Mr Taylor.


Any other items will be covered in appropriate sections below.

A number of Action Points were still outstanding from the last meeting, JL will carry theses forward to the next meeting.


7 Planning

One planning application had been received from John Russell of Low Park to convert a field into Equestrian use. No objections were raised.

8 Cemetery

JL had approached Highways about placing verge markers outsie the cemetery to prevent unwanted parking. He had received a reply to say that they would not support this as it would only move the problem to another area and that the best course of action would be to ask the owners of the factory to ask their staff and visitors not to use this area and to park more considerately. JP said that the car parking was an issue and that it would be sorted out soon.

9 Neighbourhood Watch

There had been some fly tipping in a farm field entrance up Kirkby Underwood Road which had now been removed.

There was still no news on which house had had an attempted break in last month.

10 Highways

BW said that the inspection chambers near the gulley’s on the A15 and some in the village had still not been sorted. He was hoping to speak to MH about this but will catch him next time if he attends the meeting.


JL had not yet sent a photo of the sign on the A15 that obstructed drivers views as they pulled out of the village. He will do this in the next few days.


JL has sent off a copy of the Parish Council Insurance and this had now been accepted by Highways. They will send out the necessary forms to claim a refund in October, at the end of the cutting season.

MH said he had reported the pot holes on the road up to Low Park

MD asked if anything further had been done with regards speed signs and Children Playing signs. JL apologised and said that he had forgotten but will do this as soon as possible. It was discussed and agreed that the PC should look into obtaining 5 Children Playing Slow Down Signs which will be placed at all entrances to the village and on near the “On coming traffic in the middle of the road” sign. JL to email Highways to check we are allowed to do this.


It was agreed that if the signs came to no more than £60 JL should order them. If they were more, JL will email Parish Councillors and it will be discussed at the next meeting. MD said Viking Signs would be a good starting point as the college had recently bought signs from them and they were not expensive.


JL said he had been in correspondence with Highways re the state of Footpath No4. After much discussion they had informed JL that as the developer had altered the line of the footpath when he built the houses it was the resident’s responsibility to cut back any hedging. BW did not agree with this and explained why. JL said that the resident, Mr Parker, had received a visit from Highways and had now cut the hedges back and made a great job, however JL made the point that may be the PC should start to maintain it again for the sum of £90. Highways had taken the Footpath off their maintenance schedule and no longer maintain this. BW said we should discuss this with MH at the next meeting before making a decision. JL will put this on the Agenda for the next meeting.


11 Finance

JL had received a number of invoices which he had now paid.

BDG – Mowing - £200

Came & Company – Insurance - £218

Wave – Water Rates - £11.94

The Savings Account balance was £12385.07. No balance was available for the cheque Account as no bank statement had been received.

JP said that the Audit had now been completed and all was fine.

He asked if he could purchase a bottle of wine to say thank you to the person that carried out the audit. All PC Councillors agreed this was a good idea.

JP will give the Governance Statement to JL who will then put it on the PC Website.


JP still to do a VAT refund for the last two years.


All Parish Councillors thanked JP for the stirling work he did on the finances.

12 Correspondence

JL went through correspondence received. Anything that had required action he had already emailed to Parish Councillors prior to the meeting. No feedback was forthcoming.

JL had received an email from Electoral Services stating that in future the Term AGM should not be used and this meeting should be called the Annual Parish Meeting as AGM was a confusing term. JL had made note of this and would name the meetings correctly at the next Annual Meeting.

Parish Councillors said they had received notification to send in their expense’s forms for the recent elections. JL said they could ignore this as he had already sent them off.

JL had received advice on co-opting a new Parish Councillor on to the PC. No election was required unless the two candidates could not be decided on by the PC. JL had received a letter from Rick Miller saying that he would like to re-stand as a Parish Councillor.

There had also been an expression of interest from Steve Davies at the factory. JP said he would speak to this person to see if they still wanted to stand. If the answer is yes then the PC will have to interview both candidates and make a decision.

MD asked if we could have more than the 7 allocated places. JL said he would contact Electoral Services and find out and let PC members know.


A further discussion was had that if Steve Davies wished to stand down the Rick Miller should be co-opted onto the PC. This was proposed by JP and seconded by MD.

JL will email Rick with an update.


JL had received a letter from the Salvation Army asking if they could put a Clothes Bank in the village. It was decided “no” as this may impact on the number of items received for the regular Jumble Sales held in the Village Hall.

All remaining correspondence had already been dealt with in previous sections above.

13 SKDC Update/Neighbourhood Plan

No one was available from SKDC to give an update.

JL had emailed District Councillor Peter Moseley for any updates, but had received no acknowledgement.

14 Lincolnshire County Council Update

No one was available from LCC to give an update.

15 A.O.B

BW said that the future meeting dates would be 12/08/2019, 23/09/2019, 28/10/2019 and 02/12/2019.

16 Date of next meeting Monday 12th August 2019 – 8.00 pm at the Village Hall. Meeting closed at 09.06 pm