October 2018 Minutes (26th)

Minutes from meeting held on 26th October 2018


Cllr Brian Wilkinson (BW), Cllr Rachel Stevenson (RS), Cllr Brynley Heaven (BH), Cllr Peter Morris (PM1), Cllr John Pickard (JP), Cllr Frances Cartwright (FC), Cllr Malcolm Dodds (MD), County Councillor Martin Hill (MH)

James Leach – Clerk (JL)


James Leach

1 Apologies

Cllr J Pickard (JP), Cllr Frances Cartwright (FC).

Absent – County Cllr Martin Hill (MH), District Cllr Peter Moseley (PM2)

2 The Chairman welcomed all present.

3 No members of the public were present

4 Declarations of Interest – None.

5 Minutes of the Last Meeting – agreed and signed with the following amendment, that the first sentence in “Matters Arising be omitted as it added no benefit to the comment. Proposed by PM1 and seconded by BH.

6 Matters Arising


7 Planning

No new planning applications had been a received. No formal notification had been received from SKDC Planning re Mr & Mrs Hill’s Appeal. JL said he had spoken to Mr Hill and been informed that a decision had been made in favour of the applicant with a recommendation that they move a shed. JL will contact SKDC for a copy of the actual decision.


8 Cemetery

Nothing to report.

9 Neighbourhood Watch

There had been an a burnt out car at Pointon Airfield which had possibly been involved a=in a Road Traffic Accident earlier. There had also been a theft of a Ford Ranger, trailer and other equipment from a local farm. As always residents should be reminded to stay extra vigilant especially with the run up to Christmas.

10 Highways

JL had reported the pot holes in the Ford and these had now been repaired. He had also reported Street Lights Nos 5 & 8 which were not working. He had received an email to say they would be repaired within 10 working days but they had not so he will contact SKDC again.


JL had received the paperwork from Lincolnshire Highways re the Parish Agreement with regards grass cutting but this raised a number of queries. JL to speak with JP re the PC’s Indemnity Insurance and to arrange a meeting with MH to discuss the matter further and for clarification. JL also to seek clarification as to how much we will receive from LCC for doing the extra work. JL to report back at the next meeting.


JL had received a quote from BDG Mowing Contractors for the additional work required next year. The new cost would be £100 per cut instead of £85. JL had received an email requesting information on the pot hole repairs throughout the year following damage to his vehicle. JL said he had provided the information requested.

PM1 said that the Crossroad sign as you came from Bourne was obstructed by the hedge at SL Engineering. JL said he would investigate and act accordingly.


11 Finance

JL said the current balance in the Current Account were £1234.97 and the Savings Account stood at £10253.89 – Total £11940.86.

One invoice had been received and paid for £170 to BDG Mowing Contractors. This will be the last one for this year.

£40.00 had been paid in for scrap that had been collected at the recent skip.

JL had received the forms to complete for next year’s Precept. It was agreed to defer thee until the meeting in January. This is because there will be no Grant received from SKDC next year and also information was required re any impact on raising Indemnity Insurance for grass cutting, both of which will have an impact on how much the Precept may need to be raised by.

12 Correspondence

JL went through correspondence received.

A letter had been received asking if the PCC would sponsor 2 Scouts for a trip next year. As they did not live in the village and they had received some sponsorship from their own Parish it was decided that no funding could be given.

Information had been received from LALC re a new Emergency Text Alert System. It was decided that it was not relevant so the PC would not be joining the scheme.

An Invite had been received from the Co-Op who were looking to sponsor a local scheme next year. BW said he would look in to this as he was involved with a number of Charitable enterprises within the village.

JL had received an email from the Red Cross offering free 2 hour First Aid sessions. Following on from the success of the Defibrillator training received earlier in the year it was agreed that this offer should be accepted. JL will email the Red Cross Contact and look at arranging something in the New Year.


13 SKDC Update/Neighbourhood Plan

No one was available from SKDC to give an update.

14 Lincolnshire County Council Update

No one was available from LCC to give an update.

15 A.O.B

PM1 gave his apologies for the next meeting as he will be away.

The election of Parish Councillors will be next April. FC will not be standing next year due to moving out of the area and BH announced that he will not be standing for re-election next year also. This means that there will be two PC vacancies next year and details will be sent out in the New Year requesting interested residents to contact the PC. This will be added as an Agenda item at the next meeting.

16 Date of next meeting Monday 7th January 2019 – 8.00 pm at the Village Hall. Meeting closed at 08.53